
Only when God’s people are willing to pay whatever price is necessary to fulfill the call of God on their lives and become vessels of God’s power and glory to help mankind, and only by serving God in the ministry He has called each of us to and already prepared for us, can we reap the rewards.
Whether a person is called to preach, work in some area of help, or be a doctor, secretary, or a construction worker, it takes consecration and dedication to obey God’s will for their life. The reason many Christians haven’t experienced the supernatural power of God in their lives is they haven’t been willing to pay the price to fulfill God’s plan for them. They haven’t been willing to obey God in the hard places or when it doesn’t seem convenient to their lifestyles.
Some lack wholehearted commitment to God and His will and the fortitude and endurance it takes to obey God. But faith in God’s Word alone is what it takes to succeed.
Certainly, there are benefits and rewards for obeying God and doing His will. But God wants people to respond to His call on their lives, not for personal gain, but so that the lives of others might be transformed.
God’s supernatural power will work in your life when your motives are right and your only desire is to lift up Jesus and build the Kingdom of God. The supernatural power of God will unlock doors that need to be opened for you and shut doors that need to be shut.
God is simply looking for men and women who will say yes to His will to fulfill His plan for their lives. Walking in faith and obedience to God and His Word is what causes the supernatural power of God to be manifested in a person’s life.
Obeying God and allowing Him to prepare you to fulfill His plan for your life may not always be easy.
But great victories are not won by quitting when the going gets tough. They are won through perseverance and by faithfulness to God and His Word through the good times and the difficult times.
Failures are man-made; successes are God-made. If God calls you, He calls you to win, and He provides for you. He knows how to train you and supernaturally lead you in ways of victory and success in order to prepare you for what He has in store.