A Sacrifice of Time

There are times when we get a late start in our day, or the overabundance of work sets some real challenges that need to be taken care of as soon as possible, so we may skip or shorten our prayer time.
Do you want the Father to shorten His time looking after you for the day? What if right in the middle of a busy day, a tragedy or special need would arise that required your immediate attention, and you called upon Jesus, but He was too busy to talk to you?
When we have problems or distractions that cut our prayer time with God short, we need to give up another space of time: lunch, break, or errand time should be exchanged to give God His quality time.
The time we spend with God should be the most valuable, productive and important time of our day. It should not be a time we can dismiss easily. When we put our Heavenly Father first, it shows love and obedience to Him and lets Him know that we appreciate His undivided attention 24/7.
God loves to commune with you daily, as a form of worship, with your sacrifice of time.